Thursday, March 8, 2018

Nasi Liwet Cianjur

Kota Cianjur, selain terkenal dengan manisan dan taucho, juga terkenal dengan beras Cianjur yang sangat harum dan pulen.

Sebagaian besar penduduk Cianjur sudah sangat mengenal ciri-ciri dan bentuk dari beras Cianjur ini.

Bila kita memasuki daerah Cianjur, menu nasi liwet telah menjadi andalan rumah makan dan restoran yang banyak tersebar di sepanjang jalan mulai dari puncak Bogor hingga ke Bandung. Berapa harga nya? Saya justru tidak tahu karena terus terang belum pernah beli di tempat tersebut. Biasanya kami menikmati nasi liwet ini pas pulang kampung ke rumah nini dan aki di cibarengkok – Cianjur. Setiap kali berkunjung ke sana pasti kita request nasi liwet ini. Apalagi di belakang rumah ada empang ikan mas dan mujair sehingga setelah dipancing langsung digoreng atau dibakar.

Yang lebih seru dan menarik adalah cara menyantapnya bersama-sama dengan alas daun pisang. Ini telah menjadi tradisi sehingga kebersamaan pun sangat terasa. 

Kali ini saya ingin mengajak pembaca untuk mengenal lebih jauh beras Cianjur yang dimasak dengan cara di liwet, hingga akhirnya disebut sebagai NASI LIWET.

Nasi liwet ini sangat terkenal di Cianjur, rasanya gurih dan baunya sangat harum. Biasanya nasi liwet tersebut dimakan bersama ikan bakar, sambal goreng ikan teri, tahu, atau hanya dengan ikan asin. Dengan sayur daun ketela pohon, atau rebusan daun pepaya, yang dihidangkan terpisah.

Dengan minuman yang khas juga yaitu es kelapa muda.

Jika pembaca ingin membuat nasi liwet, silahkan dicoba resep berikut. Dan agar lebih gurih dapat ditambahkan santan.

Bahan nasi liwet :

  1. Beras secukupnya (3 cup juga cukup) 
  2. Air (secukupnya , sesuai selera. Kalau suka nasinya agak lembut, airnya banyak juga tidak masalah. Hati-hati jangan kebanyakan nanti jadi bubur) 
  3. Bawang putih 6 siung 
  4. Daun Sereh 2 batang, dikeprek (dipukul tapi jangan sampai hancur) 
  5. Daun salam 5 lembar 
  6. Garam dan gula pasir sesuai selera (bisa juga penyedap rasa) 

Cara membuat :

Sebaiknya siapkan wadah ala Cianjur (saya lupa namanya tapi bisa dilihat digambar), jika tidak ada bisa digunakan Rice Cooker

  1. Cuci beras hingga bersih 
  2. Kupas bawang putih, goreng sampai mengering dan harum dan tiriskan. 
  3. Masukkan beras dan air ke dalam Rice Cooker . 
  4. Masukkan bawang putih yang sudah digoreng, daun sereh, daun salam, gula, dan garam ke dalam Rice Cooker . 
  5. Tunggu hingga masak 
  6. Bisa juga ditambahkan ikan asin sebagai penambah nikmatnya nasi liwet. 
Selamat mencoba...

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Cibuni River

Buni Ci is the river that passes through the area of South Cianjur regency river flow as far as 279.4 km² which is the potential of water resources are used for various needs of the population, such as for drinking water, irrigation, and flushing. [1] Rainfall is high enough that each year between 2239 mm to 5779 mm. Headwaters are located in kKecamatan This show past several districts, ranging from performances districts, Tanggeung, Kandupandak, Agrabinta, and ended up in the district Sindangbarang with a length of about 127 km. The river empties into the South Sea or the Indian Ocean or the Indonesian Ocean.

The flow of the river [Edit | edit source]
Geographically, the river Ci Buni tipped in the woods Tjipelah adjacent to the village Padasuka included in districts of performances, then flows southwestward through the territory of performances, sub Tanggeung, then district area Kadupandak, even this river becomes a barrier region between the districts Kadupandak and Cibinong , then turn south toward Agrabinta district area, and flow continues to the southeast towards the districts of Sindang Goods and ends at the mouth of the southern coast of the Indonesian Ocean. [2]

Flora and Fauna
Along the river flow Cibuni, there are tropical forests are still virgin, and the biodiverse, still found many wild animals, such as pythons, especially pythons are guy, lizards, birds, eagles, wild boar, monkeys, langurs, leopards, and panthers. Clear streams and heavy with rocks, suitable for water sports like rafting. Along the river is mostly found in deep or Leuwi (Sundanese) which was inhabited by freshwater fish, such as Tawes, tilapia, fish sas, eel rice fields, and other small fish.

At the mouth of the river flow widened to reach nearly 200 m wide, and the water flow slowed. Mouth of the river is a habitat for estuarine crocodiles.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Pracetak adalah segala rangkaian atau kegiatan yang kita lakukan sebelum mencetak. Bisa juga kita artikan sebagai semua tahap proses yang dibutuhkan mulai dari persiapan area cetak, teks, original image dan graphics sampai kepada proses produksi untuk menuju kepada semua materi yang ‘siap untuk proses cetak’ yang dilakukan secara manual maupun menggunakan computer. Pracetak dimulai dari input data sampai desain siap cetak atau Final Artwork. Semua hal yang dilakukan saat membuat layout artwork dengan menggunakan beragam Software Grafis populer seperti Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Freehand, Illustrator, CorelDrawPageMaker, InDesign atau QuarkExpress, dsb.
Proses  berikutnya dari pracetak adalah pembuatan film baik secara konvensional maupun digital. Pembuatan film secara konvensional yaitu dengan fotoreproduksi film, sedangkan secara digital menggunakan mesin Computer to Film (CtF).
Proses terakhir yaitu pembuatan pelat. Pembuatan pelat dapat dilakukan secara konvensional menggunakan plate maker dan film hasil fotoreproduksi maupun film dari CtF. Dapat juga dilakukan dengan digital menggunakan Computer to Plate. Hasil akhir dari pracetak adalah plate yang akan digunakan untuk mencetak pada bagian cetak.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan pracetak digital?

Pracetak digital adalah segala rangkaian atau kegiatan yang kita lakukan sebelum kita mencetak sama halnya dengan pengertian pracetak yang telah disebutkan diatas hanya saja pracetak digital dilakukan dengan menggunakan peralatan yang sudah canggih misalnya computer .
Dalam pracetak digital kita membuat desain dengan menggunakan software grafis hasil dari desain disimpan dengan menggunakan PDF karena PDF dapat dibaca pada semua  software grafismesin pembuat plat.
 Dalam pracetak digital juga imposisinya menggunakan imposisi digital. Penggunaan sistem ini hampir tidak ada kelemahannya, kecuali jika menggunakan sumber daya manusia yang kurang kompeten. Imposisi elektronik membutuhkan waktu yang relatif singkat karena penyusunannya secara digital, seandainya ada kesalahan penggabungan yang kurang sesuai bisa diedit secara cepat. Pengecekannya juga dapat dilihat langsung dilayar monitor. Ketepatan cetaknya dapat dipastikan register karena dikerjakan secara digital.
pada imposisi elektronik penggabungan halaman full colour dengan hitam putih tidak berbeda dan mudah untuk dikerjakan. Software yang sering digunakan untuk melakukan imposisi sepertiQuarkXtension, DK&A Imposition, Impose (Barco), Signastation (Heidelberg), dan lain-lain.

Workflow dalam pracetak digital 

Pada proses input kita bisa menggunakan gambar, teks, atau grafik dengan format berupa TIFF, JPG, PNG ,EPS, word, excel dan sebagainya. Setelah itu kita akan masuk kedalam proses kreatif , disitu input data yang kita punya akan dibuat menjadi sebuah desain dengan menggunakan software grafis dan menyimpannya dengan format PDF atau post script untuk memudahkan pada tahap selanjutnya. Lalu desain tersebut akan melaui proses RIP (Raster Image Processing) pada mesin CtF, dalam proses RIPdesain akan diubah menjadi titik-titik raster. Setelah melalui proses RIP mesin CtF akan mengeluarkanoutput berupa film. Untuk dapat digunakan dalam proses mencetak film ini harus dibuat menjadi plateterlebih dahulu dengan melewati proses imposisi/montage lalu plate making.

Proses pembuatan plate dengan menggunkan CtP hampir sama seperti  menggunakan CtFperbedaannya  terletak pada output yang dihasilkan. Seperti namanya computer to plate maka outputyang dihasilkan adalah berupa plate jadi kita tidak perlu melakukan montage dan plate making lagi.
Input data dan proses kreatif dalam menggunakan computer to print ini sama seperti menggunakan CtFatau CtP hanya saja berbeda pada proses RIP dan output yang dihasilkan. Dengan computer to print, output yang dihasilkan bukan lagi berupa plate tapi sudah berupa hasil cetakan atau produk jadi.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

SEREG BEACH, South Cianjur

Cianjur not only have green tea gardens and rice fields, but also the beach. Turkish Sereg has similarities with Parangtritis in Yogyakarta, equally sandy brown and wavy. Suitable for weekend destinations.

Quoted from DETIKTRAVEL, Sereg beach is a tourist destination frequented by Cianjur, conditions are also extensive beaches and ramps. The beach is located in Sindangbarang, South Cianjur is probably not suitable for swimming, but it has a beautiful view.

Sereg beach tourist destinations that are worth visiting, the beauty of the beach, the waves are not sound waves pounding beat sweetly.

Visitors often play diarea this beach, as the holiday season arrives. But a normal day tend to be quiet, it does not diminish its beauty.

Visitors can play the shores of the beach or playing with the waves, but do not get too far to the center. Especially for those who can not swim, because the safety officer (SAR) is still minimal. You can enjoy snacks alongside a beach, looking at the beauty of this Sereg beach.

To enter this area visitors will be fairly affordable rates anyway, enough to pay 5,000 rupiah.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Visit Cianjur

As you probably know, Indonesia is such a country of contrasts, certainly compared to countries in Europe and North America. Indonesia offers many interesting things for travelers including rich landscapes, peaceful rural villages, fantastic art, intriguing culture and delicious food.
As someone who has traveled extensively in Europe, North America, the South Pacific and South East Asia, I am very familiar with what travelers are interested in—developing an understanding of a different culture, visiting places of interest, interacting with the locals and appreciating the local cuisine. The same goes for those I have met in my own country, Indonesia, where I have found that travellers increasingly like to visit not only the popular tourist attractions, but also the less well-known places in order to fully appreciate Indonesian culture and to learn about the daily lives of people here.

However, I understand that it’s often not so easy to visit places off the beaten path if you don’t know anyone who can show you around and who speaks English. So my team and I are eager to show travellers the real Indonesia, in a town where the locals are genuinely interested in meeting you. You will experience the local culture, taste the local food and eat a lot of tropical fruits. Cianjur currently doesn't receive many tourists and, consequently, tourists pay the same prices as the locals.

At the same time, doing some volunteer work and school visit (optional)  is a great way to learn more about the culture and to mingle with locals. Learning how to cook local delicacies and how to grow rice are just some of the other activities on offer. 

Homestay accommodation is arranged at reasonable rate. This includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as tours to places of interest nearby such as the floating village, tea plantations, rural villages and rice fields (some of these will require an additional payment, but this is always arranged at Backpackers rate).

To help you find us, we can arrange to pick you up from the airport, or from nearby cities, such as Bogor, Bandung and Jakarta.

I hope you will find this information useful. We have a lot of people coming, but we limit the numbers in order to maintain our quality of service, so please try to book in advance.
Cianjur adventure team look forward to getting you have a memorable time here.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Curug Citambur, Best Nature in South Cianjur

Travel vacation to a place that has been frequented by people, probably not an option for those who like to spend free time in a quiet place. Especially for those who like traveling, looking for a vacation spot that is hidden and has not been exposed are often the destination of choice.

For those of you who are interested in destinations that very few people visit, there is no harm to come to Wanawisata Curug Citambur. The waterfall is located in the District Pasirkuda, Cianjur, West Java, it presents a beautiful natural scenery. Curug Citambur located at an altitude of approximately 1,400 meters above sea level, it is no wonder if visiting this waterfall fresh and cool air can be felt.

Like a hidden paradise, this waterfall has not been widely known. Most only local people who often spend fatigue to the waterfall. When on location, the expanse of paddies, the curve of the cliff, and the sound of birds will make you linger.

According to local residents, history called Curug Citambur namely because the sound of the waterfall reads like tambur. That's because the water directly hit the rocks. "Weve had curugnya voice like the sound of drums, but now mah already does," said Sopri (65) Curug Citambur manager, who met on Monday (07/11/2016).

To get to the location wanawisata this can be achieved through multiple pathways. Ie it can through the Bandung District, a distance of about 40 km from Ciwidey direction, toward Cipelah and from the city of Cianjur approximately 65 km to the performances.

Citambur waterfall has a height of about 100 meters. This waterfall gives a different feel than the waterfall-another waterfall. The large volume of water hitting the surface of the river makes this waterfall is always shrouded in a light mist. Additionally when visiting this place, visitors will be treated to the cool air cool, distant. But if you visit this place, have to be careful because the road conditions are slippery due to water splashes from Curug Citambur.

Besides the waterfall, in this place there are also contained the swamp of clear water that can be used for hobby activities such as fishing and water play. Visitors also provided a boat for those who want to get around in the swamp. To come to this location, you do not need merogok pocket too, simply by paying the ticket at Rp7,000 visitors can immediately enjoy the beautiful ecotourism Citambur Curug.

Spot Take pictures and Main Air

Curug Citambur has a natural beauty that is still beautiful. The ambiance of the mountains and paddies constantly spoil your eyes. Visitors who have a hobby of photography can make this waterfall as the object of great photography. You can capture the moment on the left side of the waterfall, or if you want the better the image, the visitors could drop slightly downward following the river flow waterfall.

In this place, there is a waterfall that children can be a place to play water or while bathing release tiredness after the journey to travel. The condition of the water was very clear and cold, it is because of this waterfall is in the mountains close to the source of water.

Now, conditions have started Curug Citambur maintained. It can be seen from the access to the location of the waterfall. The last three years, the road to the waterfall is still in the form of rocks mixed with soil, and the condition of the waterfall was less manicured. Now the road is beginning to be addressed piecemeal, and made a garden in the area of ​​the waterfall.

One of the visitors, Sin-Sin Kurnia said he was happy to see the condition waterfall Citambur now. He said the first road to the waterfall is only a footpath. If the rainy season, the roads muddy and slippery. "Now, already cool, already maintained," said the visitor from the Cianjur.

Yes, Curug Citambur can enter a list of list of places visited on vacation that will tone. Moreover, after a moment of Eid was over, a lot of people looking for a vacation spot to treat the scenery is still beautiful and fresh.

Curug Ngebul, Hidden Paradise in Cianjur

New tourist attractions is always interesting to visit, especially nature tourism, now in Cianjur there is a hidden natural attractions that are well worth our visit, this natural attraction is the waterfall called Curug Ngebul.

The origin of the name Curug Ngebul has two versions, if according to myth is said formerly contained a daughter who was bathing under the waterfall and suddenly the princess ngebul, while the second version because of the swift flow of water that causes the water vapor that looks "ngebul" or " smoky ", a waterfall located in southern Cianjur has a very beautiful natural scenery, you know.
Curug Ngebul offers a natural atmosphere with a view of the main waterfall between the high cliffs, according to local residents Ngebul waterfall has a height of about 100 meters, because they have not been measured so we do not know exactly how much height.

This beautiful scenery can not we enjoy for granted so easily, to arrive at the location Curug Ngebul first we had to walk through rice paddies with a travel time of approximately 1 hour from the parking area, still dare to come here?

But still, your trip will not be wasted because of the fresh water in the waterfall Ngebul is ready to welcome you, you can invite a friend or spouse to be more romantic, tourist spot is also very suitable for you who liked the cozy atmosphere and quiet.
Route to Curug Ngebul

For access to Curug Ngebul able to use four-wheel vehicles, but is more advisable to use the motor. From the highway performances to Bunijaya village about 1.5 hours. Then the journey continues with two-wheeled vehicle about 1 hour, and continued by foot about 45 minutes.